AAEAAQAAAAAAAAb7AAAAJGY1NGE0ZTExLTEwYjktNGM0OS04ZWI1LTIzNDA5YjM5OTBmNgI’m deeply passionate about marketing automation, operations, marketing technology, business strategy and helping others succeed. I believe in organizations rapidly rallying together to achieve their goals.

I think abbreviations like ROI, CPL, CPC, PPC, and SLA’s are just some of the most important things every employee should learn. I will always strive to be more strategic about business and marketing strategies. Ultimately, I want to be a leader in marketing, have an awesome family, love my friends, and maybe write about it one day. Until then…

I believe my purpose in life is to deploy efficient, measurable, and scalable solutions to better align your marketing and sales team efforts with your business goals.

If you have a few questions you would like to ask me please visit my contact form.